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Old 06-18-2011, 08:08 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

I've made several over the years, my DH and I were woodworkers and made a lot of stuff in the house.

I love Victorian houses..and doll houses feed my addiction. I have a lot of books on Victorians with lovely pictures.

I save deodorant plastic balls, hot needle in them and glue in wires or wooden pegs, they make lovely hanging lights. Since the kids play with them I don't put real lights in them. And in every doll house I make a tiny frame and reduce a picture of my Mom and put her over every fireplace. She'd love that.
In every den I get tiny, accurate fishing lures that look like fish (remove the hook) and glue them to a wooden back for a man's bragging room. Picture frames of any size, from full to doll house, are easy to make. Glue on whatever pattern, from yarn to shells and plastic flowers, prime and paint with gold. Look at real frames with Victorian touches, all can be made at home.
Bricks can be bought or made for fireplaces, from paper mache to plaster to accurate boughten ones. Roof tiles can be boughten ones or made ones, just get a very strong pair of scissors or a small electric saw, and lots of sandpaper.
Paint I usually make from a cheapie off light color one at a paint store, then add whatever I want in the new half pint canning jars. I use everything from shoe polish to cocoa powder, but a lot of the lovely colors come from Kool Aide and food colors. Even a drop of instant coffee will add richness to a color. (Aside..for making "Antiques" some not too honest folks add a touch of chewing tobacco in a tiny bit of water to make it smell old"and paint on the liquid)
The clapboards outside the house I put on with Elmer's Glue, and use wooden coffee stirrers, which are the perfect size. Got a whole box of them in a flea market!!
Since kids play with them, windows are plexiglass and never real glass, except in the quarter sized ones not for kids. In that case I use some lab slides found in a yard sale.
Tiny cups with cheerios (covered with clear nail polish and sugar) make nice "donut" and coffee treats.

This is an addiction just like quilting, and can take hours and hours away from sewing.
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