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Old 04-26-2009, 02:29 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Florida
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well, I believe in choices too, and I choose...HERE! This place feels like home to me... where my quilting family is.
I have been active here, about five and a half months, and in that time, I have experienced all kinds of things in my everyday life, and I can either hop on here and share, and get so much in return, or I can come here, to 'get away' from it all.
I've laughed, cried, learned, been surprised, overjoyed, name it, but never bored. The best part is, it's all centered around quilting, but has different things, for all parts of our lives. It's like a wheel, where the center is the quilting, and the spokes are all of my friends, and the sharing and caring, are what make it go round.
It ain't broke, so i ain't lookin to fix it. Sometimes, I even feel when a 'spoke' is missing, and I poke around to see if they are ok.
Right now, someone has been 'away', and she will be back, maybe, hopefully, by tomorrow, to grease this wheel. woo hoo, I just love it. :D
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