Old 06-19-2011, 09:19 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

I just had a conversation about this with some of my quilting friends.

We could get into an hours long discussion again of what is a "modern" quilt, but I'll spare us both. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Here's a link to the Modern Quilt Guild - there are chapters all over the country.
As you can see from the pictures of some of the meetups, the demographics tend to skew younger than many existing guilds.

I think it's great that there is new blood in the quilting world.

Victoria in NYC created the Bumble Beans site, and I think she facilitates the NYC MQG meetings.
Her very cool blog is here:

Many new books have some out recently, including http://cherryhousequilts.bigcartel.c...ct/city-quilts.

You can see that "modern" runs the gamut from using crumbs to squares on a white background.
Sometimes I don't find them all that different from traditional quilts, and sometimes I'm, like, meh.

Sometimes it's all solids, and other times it's using a collection from one of the name designers -
Denyse Schmidt, Amy Butler, Mary something, Anna something other.

Here's what comes up on a Google search for images of a "modern quilt."

Sorry for the long url - you can't use tinyurl on this board.
I think I stretched the board.

And I'll bet a lot of the initial push was because someone from the Quilt Police
told them what they were doing wasn't perfect or didn't qualify as a quilt because.....a,b,c.

And we've all seen it happen at guild meetings in some form or another.
And it's no surprise that the participants are younger, and might be coming from a different place.
But that's really irrelevant.

I would take a look around, find something that YOU feel like making, choose colors she'll want in her house and then proceed from there.
Maybe present her with 3 to choose from (if you want to be really, really nice ;-) ).

The WORST thing is to try to make something that doesn't interest you at all, either in fabric or technique.
Because then it's just torture to finish.
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