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Old 06-20-2011, 03:08 AM
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Originally Posted by sunni
How do all of you stay so focused on quiliting and sewing to get so much done?

I have a head full of ideas, a room full of fabric and plenty of time LOL but I find that there is always something else to be done.

For instance, I just finished cleaning the house and dinner is in the crock pot. I am now sitting out on the deck cause it is gorgeous out and I dont' want to be in the house. Not bringing my machine outside, it's too big and I am sure I would be jumping up and down a million times to run back in for all the things I need.

I really would like to know the secret :)

There is no secret. Quilting for most of us is a hobby or something we use as a tool to keep our sanity. When you have to worry about something you forgot to do or have to do, it isn't anymore. I sit down and quilt when I (in capitol letters) want to. Most of the house is cleaned, food is either prepared or easy enough to put together and unless the whole world will fall apart if I don't wipe off the refrigerator I will sit down and sew, or design or find my next pattern. So what if it takes you a little longer, so what if we aren't one of thems that can sit behind a machine for hours on end. That is their form of relaxation or a hobby. You have yours. I have mine. If, on the other hand, you are making money quilting, then it isn't a hobby anymore, it is a job and you have to treat it like any other job and work for 8 hours on your quilting and what time you have left you clean and cook. I prefer it as a hobby and a means to keep my sanity. There is enough stuff going on without having to worry about worrying about how much time should be spent on something you love to do. You do it without any regrets. You love what you are doing, what you are making and that is the most important. Us housewives, mothers, grandmothers have enough in our brains and our hearts to frazzle the heck out of us and I, personally, sit down at my machine or notebook (to design) and "go so far away" and am deep in what I am doing. When I "come home", I am refreshed and can tackle whatever comes along.

See? No big deal! You do what you want to do when you want to do it and let the rest of the world go by for a little while when we make it "Me" time! To be honest with you, I can go outside, mow the lawn, come back in and sew for a while, go back out and get the clippings and branches, take it down to the compost disposal place, come back home, sew for a little while and on and on, but I am taking some time out for ME! I don't have a whole heckuva a lot of time for that, so I make it! And I make it fun, relaxing, enjoyable and no regrets that I didn't do this or that or anything. Enjoy! Edie
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