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Old 06-20-2011, 03:13 AM
Rettie V. Grama
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 1,152

You are not alone in your crisis. I've been struggling with my Block of the Month block for 20 days now. First, I searched the web, all the books I could find and couldn't find a pattern for my project. Could find pictures, but no pattern. So----to the drawing board I go. After many attempts over a weeks period, I finally came up with a workable pattern. It is almost done----until my sewing machine started giving my problems. Went to another machine. This is a new one and havn't mastered it's automatic techniques yet, but have a little bit more to go, the ready for the mail. "Please, God help me get this block done."

Originally Posted by SharBear
ok, I'm having a crisis of ability.

I WANT to be a quilter. I understand that cutting is the foundation that quilts are built on and that accurate cutting leads to accurate piecing leads to accurate block sizes leads to quilt tops that lay flat leads to quilts that rock.

I'm making blocks for my first swap and am ready to put them in the bonfire. The points don't line up no matter how many times I take them out and put them back togehter. I've made sure all the seams are pressed correctly - I think I have used a whole bottle of Best Press on 12 not-yet-assembled blocks!

Maybe it's time for me to admit that for the first time in 46 years I've tried to do something that is just beyond me. I keep thinking this should be the perfect fit for me - I love, love, love Math (I have a degree in Applied Math!) - and jigsaw puzzles - if one is out I'm banned from the room it's in because my family knows I will stay up all night finishing it!

There may be a giant de-stash sale hitting the classified board today ....

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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