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Old 06-20-2011, 05:38 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Originally Posted by doowopddbop
Have you ever made a quilt block with curves that ended up looking like a "B" cup? I did. Once. About 6 years ago. And have not bothered to give it a try since. Until now! I am hooked! At AccuQuilt's Let's Go! Retreat earlier this month in Fremont Nebraska, one of the classes they taught used the Drunkard's Path die. Finally! Smooth cuts, perfect curves, a little notch in the center to line up the pieces, and the blocks nearly made themselves! In fact, the blocks went together so quickly, that the retreat hosts, Country Traditions, allowed those who finished a quilt top to actually quilt them on one of their Handi-Quilter machines there at the shop. I took them up on it, and within a couple of hours had it quilted. I put the binding on and hand stitched it on the long drive back home.

I am cured! I love these curves! Everything fits together without hills and valleys. And it appears that the design possibilities are endless. Have you made a quilt with curves? How do you feel about them?
Beautiful job!!
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