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Old 06-21-2011, 04:29 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 79

[quote=janeknapp]Do any of you use watercolor pencils or Inktense pencils to color fabric for use in your quilting?

I'm in a small quilt group at our local quilt store and the project for the month is a small quilt using fabric paints. We are first to quilt the quilt and then color in. (Quilt and Paint) I decided to use watercolor pencils and ordered them and I hope they come in today! I ordered Derwent Intense Watercolor Ink Pencils.

I'm new to watercolor pencils and I never heard of using Aloe Vera gel. Great Idea. One of my biggest concerns was the bleeding since I already quilted the block. I'll have to try it. Your block is really beautiful.
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