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Old 06-22-2011, 09:15 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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One of my cats throws up a lot because he has hyperthyroidism - even with medication - I think about half of what he eats comes back up. I'm reasonably sure he can't help it.[/quote]
My rescue Fredrica is a delicate darling, but barfs if she eats more than 2 bites too much. It's always easy to pick up, but
dry enough so that it doesn't leave a stain.

After some years I discovered that if I rub coconut oil on her feet so she'll lick it off, she doesn't barf as much. She flat out won't eat it if it's in her food, but angrily licks it off her foot, while glaring at me all the while! Now she's even gaining much needed weight, in the last 3 weeks almost 2 pounds, which she very much needs. Always been thin, vets didn't know why.
She prefers to sit on fabric, then kick any she doesn't like off the machine while I'm away from it.
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