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Old 06-22-2011, 03:57 PM
tammy cosper
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Originally Posted by anniec55
Very innovative!! Did you do the woodwork? That is a setup worthy of envy!!! Can't wait to see complete studio.
Thank you! My husband is doing the woodwork. I came up with the ideas for him to put in there. You know...he knows how he wants his shop set up...and I know how I want my sewing room set up.Lol. First thing I said was..."You have to remember at all are building according to my height...not yours!" lol...I am short, he is several inches taller than me. A counter for him, won't do for And when I started telling him things I wanted in there, he would say, tell me that when we get to that But I'm glad he can and will do this for me. I always wondered what would happen if a carpenter and a quilter that could actually work together...came together. This I will find out
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