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Old 06-22-2011, 05:20 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

I gave up on the basting tonight - just had a fight with my other roommate (husband), asked him for help and he gave me a lecture on losing weight. I have severe arthritis in my back, hips, knees and feet which greatly limit my mobility. I need orthotics, but he says I just need to lose weight. Same ole song, but his comments get more and more hurtful - never mind that he seriously needs to lose weight too. But that's my fault he's fat. Sorry, it's been a tough day and nothing really accomplished. I'll take up my friend's suggestion, go up to Litchfield on Saturday, we'll put 2 tables together in the church basement and get the quilt pin basted - then I'll do some serious quilting. I'm not going to do a lot of quilting, just in the ditch along the sashing strips, then some cross-hatching in the blocks and something simple in the border. My girl friend says I work better under pressure - so we'll see if I still can. I can only do what I can do. I'll just pray to the "quilting gods" for a miracle. Thanks for listening.
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