Old 06-23-2011, 08:06 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 7

I have a spiral bound book of 3 x 5 index cards. When I start a new project I start a new card with the date and other relevant information, such as inspiration. I never tear a card out of the binder until the project in totally finished and the label is on! That way I can always look and see what UFOs I have.

When I tear out a card, meaning the quilt is finished, I put the card and a photo in a photo album. Now I have a record of my quilts.

I like to piece more than I like to quilt or bind a project, so I've decided that it's okay to have lots of unfinished projects when I leave this earth. Our foremothers did it (hence the beautiful quilt tops we find in antique stores or at garage sales)! We can do it too. I sew for fun and relaxation. I'll do what I want. Of course, if the quilt is a gift I'll finish it! My
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