Thread: My Kitty
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Old 04-30-2009, 08:26 AM
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Posts: 246

Yesterday was a rough day :cry: I had to take my cat to the vet because I thought she might have a urinary tract infection. Because there was so much blood in her urine sample the vet thought it would be wise to take an x-ray to rule out stones in her kidneys are bladder. And clear as day in the x-ray...she has a bladder stone. So she is now on antibiotics and has to eat special prescription cat food to try and break up the stone. If in 8 weeks the stone hasn't broken up on it own and gone away, then she will have to have surgery. A surgery I can't afford. $1200!!!! I am miserable. I can't afford the surgery, but there is no way I could put her down, she is way too young and healthy of a cat (besides the stone of course). She is only four years old. It has already cost $360 to find out what was wrong and get her meds and food. I have to take her back in two weeks to have her looked at again to make sure the antibiotics are clearing up the infection. The eight weeks from now, she will have to have x-rays again.

I am praying and praying that the treatment will work and the stone will go away. Thankfully she is in no pain. She is acting the same as she always does (she is our trouble maker kitty).

Sorry to blabber on about it one here, but I needed to get it out of me somewhere. I feel crazy for being so distraught, because it could be worse. It's not like she is a person, but in my book she might as well be!!!
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