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Old 04-30-2009, 04:03 PM
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When I saw the last picture, I totally got it!
You didn't hate that quilt except for one small thing - - you knew more about it than anyone else would, ever, in the whole world!
I was very sympathetic with why you were not liking it as I looked at all of the close-ups, the colors were VERY bold, and VERY contrasted and ...
but that last picture is absolutely BREATHTAKING!
Yes! It is bright. Yes! There is a lot of quilting in there. Yes! For all of the work you have put into it, there is a simplicity in the pattern that almost makes you boring .... IF you are looking at it one small frame at a time.
But as the WHOLE, from a distance encompassing the WHOLE quilt ...
it is TERRIFIC! It does everything you said you wanted to do for your dear sister, and by golly! You completed something you set out to do, and that is VICTORY! Way to go, woman! :thumbup:
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