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Old 06-24-2011, 03:26 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by Debo
I'm new to quilting so this may sound dumb but if you put your dresden plate down with Steam N Sew, would you still need to sew around the edges?
Did anybody tell you that you can machine sew all the blades together into a circle first. Then sew down a circle over the center hole - you can fold the outside edges of that circle under and topstitch it down into the center.
Fold the outside edges under, Iron them in place, then pin it carefully onto the background fabric, and matching the thread for best matching invisibility, topstitch a short stitch very close to the outside edge all the way around. You can use a fancy decorative stitch if you wish. Experiment on a sample! (make a block for a pillow)
Otherwise the only applique is around the outside edges.

You asked about fused - If it is going to be used as a wall hanging, and won't be washed, then no - you don't have to.
but if it is going to be used on a bed and washed, the edges might fray, and you might want to topstitch it using a decorative stitch.
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