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Old 06-25-2011, 02:25 PM
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I never smoked but it seems everyone else in my family did at one time or another - I have my own "bad habits" so Im not perfect lol. I do know smoking is not just an addiction to the chemicals in the cigs, but its a compulsive habit. If you try to stop by substituting something else all you will do is switch one complusion for another. Its as bad to get hooked on eating candy, drinking, anything that just becomes a mindless habit.
(My dad smoked and quit cold and ate candy. My mom tried to quit but never could. He died of diabetes and she died of cancer.)
If you have a need to have something in your hand why not hold a pen or pencil and make notes on new quilts, or doodle into a personal quilt pattern. I knew someone who walked around w/ a toothbrush in his mouth all day at work to quit smoking.
I see this thing advertised on TV that looks like a cig you inhale/exhale on but the "smoke" is water vapor(??). Its not a real cigerette, but I dont know what it is exactly, but if you check on it maybe it isnt anything harmeful. It looks like a perfect substitute - you can have it in the house, no smoke smell, no smoke damage, no harm to your body.
also, if you have kids/grands even with a sub like this vapor cig, people who love you will want to be like you, and no matter how hard you struggle to quit, until you do they will all see it as not so bad if they smoke too. If you can fight it and win they will see that you are a strong woman who can do anything she puts her heart into.
Good luck, sharet
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