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Old 06-26-2011, 06:52 PM
j3intampa's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Tampa, Fl
Posts: 38

Hi Suzy,
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I had to take a quick out of town trip. Ever since I adjusted the top tension and changed threads my stitching on both top and bottom have been fine. I am practicing the differences between the modes and speed/length ratio.
Here are a couple of things I learned yesterday at the show talking to Steve. He said his preference for bobbin thread is Bottom Line and didn't recommend using anything smaller than a 40wt in the top. I was using 50/2 cotton quitling thread and was having problems with it breaking, (even though it was a very expensive brand). The top tension controls the bottom stitching and after I saw all those eyelashes I was having and adjusted the top it has sewn out fine. He also recommended using the Majic Genie washers in the bobbin too. (Posted on the quilting groups are all kinds of threads and bobbin threads that seem to work fine for others but for me, just starting off, I am going to take his advice until I get more comfortable and then want to experiment more). Also, I found out how absolutely wrong I was loading the quilt and that that also affected my stitching, so I have to reload and will try it again. I really hope between both of your visits that you will be able to get your problems solved and start enjoying her. Good luck Judy
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