Thread: migraine
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Old 06-27-2011, 07:39 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
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The things I do for my migraines which fortunately I only have a few a year now.

1. dark room, cool clothes on the head, pain medication,

2. Accupressure-I had a friend who practiced chinese medicine. She helped me tremdendously.
There are several spots you can press.
The fatty part of your hand between your thumb and forefinger, press squeeze firmly and release several time.

inside of your ankle -someplace around the ankle bone, I forget exactly so I just press all of the inside ankle area.

head-around the temples, sort of message up to the top of the head.

3. in the shower I alternate hot and cold water on my head.

4. This is going to sound weird, and I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but it works for me. It's a mental exercise. Lay down in the dark, close your eyes and concentrate on sweeping the pain into one location and then visualize putting a cap on it. It only works as long as I concentrate on keeping the cap on the pain. I know it's weird, I'm not even sure where I picked it up.

The best think I did was figure out what my triggers where so I could avoid as much as possible.
My triggers are: atmospheric changes-spring and fall when the weather changes-nothing I can do about that.

On a windy road with lots of trees where the sun shines on your face and then it gets blocked by the trees for miles...that will trigger a bad one

Lights- bright, strobe, flouresent and lights that flicker badly.

Good luck, hopefully you'll find some relief soon. I know how horrible migraines are.

One time I developed one and I was going up stairs to lay down after shopping and it was so bad I couldn't actually stand up. I was laying on the stairs and looked back and saw I had left the front door wide open and thought, "Hey maybe someone will come in and shoot me" and that was a positive thing. That just shows people who don't have migraines who bad they get.
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