Thread: migraine
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Old 06-27-2011, 08:12 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 988

Do you have access to a natural foods store? I use to sell small bottles of headache relief oil at craft shows and fairs. Its made with 1/2 tsp. jojoba oil, 10 drops pure lavender oil, 10 drops pure spearmint oil, 10 drops pure eucalyptus oil. Shake well place a drop on tip of finger and massage into each temple and then across the forehead. Place another drop on finger and massage up the leaders on each side of the neck, place another drop and massage around each nostril and right under the nose. I was set up at a craft show once when the sheriff and his wife came in, she had such a migraine I could tell she was sick. I had her sit in my chair and I applied the oil to her head while explaining to her what to do. I gave her that bottle of oil. Withing 15 min she felt so much better she came back to my booth and wanted to purchase 5 bottles. Her daughter, husband and a friend also got migraines. She would travel an hour to meet me over the next few years just to pick up 5-10 bottles of the oil at a time. I use to teach, and one time I had one of my bad migraines at a play we had taken the middle school to watch. I used the oil on myself. The teacher next to me was getting a migraine also and she told me later that she could smell the oil on me and it had greatly helped he migraine. If you don't feel like trying to make your own, you can have some success with Bath & Body Works Stress Relief Roll-on. Just put it on in the same places and massage it in and breathe deeply.
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