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Old 05-03-2009, 11:21 AM
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Location: San Francisco Bay-Area...Union City
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I'm feeling kind of reflective. I have noticed that because of our financial difficulties, losing our home of 20yrs, in great part because I had to stop working due to my chronic illnesses (+3 surgeries in 18mo), I have not quilted since before Christmas. I think I'm feeling guilty to have fun while poor hubby goes to a job he hates and that pays so little these days (trying to sell cars). It was different before the holidays because my quilting enabled us to give a gift to each daughter, mom, sis, nieces, at no cost. Quilting now would be just for my pleasure. I'm not skilled enough to sell and anyway, I don't want the time demands now; I'm supposed to be packing and with my medical situation, that's hard to fit into my life. But packing, selling, giving away my things makes me sad; quilting makes me happy. Well, that and my dog, and she died in Jan (can you believe that bad timing? I'm beginning to feel like a country song!)

This analying motivated me this week to join the 2009 Pioneer Block of the Month group. They all assurred me it's ok to go at my own pace. I'm 4 months behind. So far, I've got the first block planned and cut and ready to assemble. I'm having fun and that's when I identified the guilt. Yes, I know, intellectually, that I shouldn't feel guilty, that quilting is therapy, blah blah blah.... but knowing something doesn't change how one feels.

I am trying to prepare for the big Downsizing from a 3 bed house to a tiny 1bed apt. With laminate flooring and less and less furniture, our living room is beginning to echo. When the couch was taken away a few days ago, it suddenly hit me... I'm not going to have my quilt room much longer so I should enjoy it now! That thought shocked me into the small project, not too demanding, BOM idea.

Don't worry, I'm not clinically depressed, just sad, frustrated and feeling overwhelmed with the daunting task of packing with the pains and daily fatigue of Rheumatoid Arthritis +other conditions. I still laugh often and even sing... that's when I discovered the great acoustics our living room now has!

I don't really expect advice here, but do any of you ever feel too guilty to allow yourself to quilt? I've gone 5 months without quilting.

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