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Old 06-27-2011, 09:05 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Central Missouri
Posts: 462

I would buy a box of OxiClean powder and a couple of scoops in your washing machine and then put vinegar in your rinse cycle. That should pretty well take care of it. You might let it soak in the OxiClean for an hour or so if you can turn your machine off and restart it to go ahead and wash then. Are there any laundrymats near you that have the big machines, if so I would put a load in there and put about 4 scoops of OxiClean in with it to wash since you can't soak them at the laundrymat.

I wish I lived close to you and could pick up what you don't want for our little quilt club. We make quilts for people who lose their homes to fires in our county and since most all of our members are elderly and on limited incomes, we have to get very creative at times. We don't have any funds to buy material with so that limits us too. Fundraising with all elderly members is almost non-existant.

Enjoy your stash, and hope you can get the smoke smell out.

Lee Ripp aka themachine lady
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