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Old 06-28-2011, 08:51 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Greeneville, TN
Posts: 796

My DH and I had a worm bin and mulch project that we had in a bin under the kitchen sink. Our 4 year old granddaughter loved checking on them when she visited. One day I took her to her pediatrician's appointment in a large medical complex as Mom and Dad were working. We wiggled into the packed elevator on the 5th floor and road down a floor and no one had said anything so granddaughter chirped in with "My grandma has worms!" All heads turned to look at me and people backed away as far as conditions allowed. I turned bright red and said "Yes I do." and laughed to myself. She is 17 now and we still laugh about it.
Ann in TN
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