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Old 06-30-2011, 04:48 AM
Great-great granny
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Liberty Hill - Central TEXAS Hill Country
Posts: 1,040

Originally Posted by janRN
Linda what a great topic. I was feeling kinda blue because I read that some quilters "only" use LQS fabrics or "only" use expensive threads. I'm unemployed so I use what I can afford. Call me a cheap date, but my quilts turn out just fine and my machine sews best with good ol' Coates & Clark thread.
I really don't think there are any "only"s or "must do"s--just enjoy what you do and do it with love.
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Goodness janRN - DON'T feel "blue" about where/what kinds of supplies you buy - perhaps some are forgetting where quilting began - USING SCRAPS FROM OLD CLOTHES!!!

And the title of this is RIGHT ON - TO EACH HIS/HER OWN!! Personally I machine piece & still try to hand quilt as my ole hands allow, buy bargain materials (on a fixed SM budget) --- BUT ANY quilt is a treasure - someone put their heart into it, sometimes for someone special.

IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY - don't worry about what others think!!!

HAPPY QUILTING & may all your quilts be filled w/LOVE!!!! :lol:
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