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Old 06-30-2011, 06:19 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: North Texas
Posts: 895

I put my blocks up on the design wall and let them hang for some time before I change anything. Time has a way of letting me see what is what and if anything at all needs changing. By itself a block may not look right, but nestled with the others, it will probably look great.

Having said that, I haven't touched any sewing in two weeks and it will more than likely be a couple of more weeks before I do sew. I'm slowly cleaning up the mess from having the popcorn ceilings removed and redone. A big mess. But, after all is over, my house will be CLEAN. Still have the gutters to go. They should have been in weeks ago, right after the new roof. A landscaping crew is supposed to be here today to mow and weed my yard. The yard got out of hand this spring and I haven't been able to tackle it by myself.

It is another hot day here so I'll stay inside and sort and clean more stuff. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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