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Old 07-01-2011, 04:52 AM
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I played with Grandma's Singer the other day and was sewing together jelly roll strips for my son's quilt. Is it just me or do others find it a little hard to keep the 1/4" seam straight? The machine is so "free" that I found out quickly I couldn't hold the 2 pieces together inches away from the needle and just let the machine pull the fabric in. I had a 1/4" seam, a 3/4" seam and no seam at all. LOL!! I had to keep my hands right by the needle to make sure I kept everything on track. Probably just take some getting use to. I did find a Janome 3000 and it should be here today. I'm so excited!!! My hubby said now that I have 2 machines maybe I can make a dent in the boxes and boxes of fabric I have. Told him I rather doubted it because for every piece I used there would be 2 more to take it's place. That's how it's done right?! ;-)
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