Thread: My Kitty
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Old 05-06-2009, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by leona07
Thank you so much everyone for your kind words, and your own personal stories. It helps a lot!!!! To those of you who have, or have had pets go through tough times, I am sorry and I feel for you!!!

Tirnhi- thank you for the advice on the cat food. The stuff I feed my cats is already really expensive (i spoil them), so I will definitely switch them over to the prescription food from now on, it is worth it!!. I am glad to hear that your cat passed the stones, I am hoping the same will happen for my kitty. It makes me much more optimistic knowing your kitty made it through!!

I am feeling much better today. I think I just needed a day to get my head around the whole thing. It popped into my head last night what if a person off the street where to offer me $1200 as long as I gave up my cat. NO WAY IN H*LL!!! My cat is worth way more than $1200 to me!! So if she needs to the surgery, I am going to do it and figure out the cost somehow. The vet said they might let me make payments if she ends up needing the surgery. I told them I would put a down payment. I also have a credit card that has no charge on it that I keep for emergencies....well here is an emergency!!! I would willingly max it out and pay on it forever if it meant saving her!!!! Thank you for the tips. I am going to look around and see if there is a place I can get help for costs too. I will definitely be getting my cats pet insurance. My other cat has asthma, so they sure could use it!!! I am also going to get them a pet fountain. THEY LOVE THE SINK TURNED ON!!!! So I think it will be a good idea, and will get more water in them!

Amber is doing great. She isn't in any pain. She is still acting like her same 'ol self. Never shutting up, always wanting to be carried, getting into everything she's not suppose to!!!! So I am happy that she is responding well, eating her prescription food just fine, letting me give her pills with no problems!! So other than the stone, she is fit as a fiddle. All her lab tests came back perfect!!! So now we wait to see if the stone breaks up!

I got a good laugh out of the dog who ate the toys. Not that the dog being hurt is funny, but that it reminded me of my mom's pets!! She has had a string of pet ER visits. My mom keeps a candy dish on her coffee table, always has so it should have been nothing new to the dog. It was around Halloween so she had reeses cups, and mini candy bars in her dish. They went somewhere and when they got back the dog had eaten all of the candy out of the dish, wrappers and all of course. He required getting his stomach pumped. Dumb dog!!! Also, my mom was sewing a button back on her shirt one day and got up to answer the phone. She came back and her cat was next to her sewing stuff coughing and hacking and making strange noises. She then noticed string hanging out of the cats mouth!! The cat decided it would be fun to play with the dangling thread, and ended up swallowing the needle!!! It was a weekend and the vets were closed. She had to drive the cat a half hour away to and ER vet, they had to call in a special vet on her day off to come scope down the cats throat and remove the needle before it could get any farther down her system. Thankfully the cat had no injuries, but my mom had a hefty bill!!!!!!

I tell ya, sometimes they can be trying (worse than two year old kids!!!), but they are sure worth it!!!!!

Best wishes to you all!!!!
check around at your local pet shelters or aspca's. they are dedicated to keeping animals alive and well. they may be able to refer you to a dr that does pro bono work or at least discount work. some very fine doctors do that out of charity and you pay on a sliding scale. pet insurance is very very high in cost.
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