Thread: Hate My Quilt
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:30 PM
sandwich child
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 145

Oh, geez. I feel for you. Last fall when I had been quilting for all of 6 months, my aunt asked me to make a quilt for her grand daughter's high school graduation this spring. I kept telling her the pattern she chose was way beyond my capabilities at that stage, but she kept insisting and coercing until, to shut her up, I said I would try. Well, the pattern was laid out in diamonds and I was so frustrated that at the midway point I ripped the entire thing apart and started over. The colors were beautiful as was the pattern; it had huge red or blue horses and the GD is an accomplished horsewoman. So after 160 hours, much screaming and many tears I finished the project. The GD LOVED it!!! Then, of course, my aunt told everyone she had paid for the quilt and I just sewed it together! NOT!!! And never again, never, ever -----
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