Old 07-01-2011, 11:04 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Well,hello everybody.I'm in for the month of July.And in for the fat quarters.I just been preoccupied.The last 2 weeks the only one who knew what was going on was missy.But now that it's over,I can briefly touch on it.Hubby had a lot of blood in his shorts,came from uniary track.Went to urologist and they did tests,and kidneys were fine,but bladder had infection,inflamed,and popped some blood vessles,so that's where the blood came from he thought,did a biopsy,thought it was cancer.Had to wait 2 weeks,so just found out he doesn't have anything.Was a mystery to the dr.and he said 5% of these are just unexplainable.But did pray,so if he did have something,it was gone by the time the dr saw the results.So,he couldn't explain it.But we can of course.So,I haven't been sleeping well,and it's hot here.So,tomorrow I'm staying in,118 degrees tomorrow and I'm going to sit by the air conditioner.Plus we been helping an old lady who just lost her hubby 2 1/2 week ago down the rd.We stopped by tuesday,and she didn't even have TV,as her dish got shut off cause she too was in the hospital.So went back wednsday and in 30 minutes,I had her VHF hooked up and now she has 9 free channels,3 are Fox,nbc,and cbs.So now she can watch her shows.She was a happy camper when we left.We told her we'd be back,as she needs some other stuff done too.So,will have to stop by every other day at least.I think I'm going to get her a computer and show her how to run it.I got 2 older ones that work fine.Especially for learning on.Then she too can be like me and learn how to use it.I know she'd have a ball on it.I just learned myself 2 yrs ago,my other neighbor got a new one and gave me hers.I taught myself with a book.So,this lady will have it better than me,cause I'll be showing her how.Anyway,so that's what I been doing behind the scenes.But it's over now,so can get back to losing weight and cheering everybody on.I hate to hear MJ is under the weather.Hope she's better soon too.I know we just dodged a big bullet,so maybe she can pull a rabbit out of her hat and get to feeling better too.Ok,lets get down to business.I'm ready to tackle my weight issues.I haven't budged for 3 weeks now.But only because I'd droped 10 pounds the 1st 2 weeks and didn't want to lose any more for the month.And I haven't.But want to go to 150 lbs.So,I got 8 pounds to get off this month.So,any challenges this month? Someone give us a challenge to meet.I think we do better with a number in mind or A goal to meet.I do any way.And Karen,glad your going to be here with us this month.Hello and welcome to all who are just joining in and want to change their lives and shed the pounds.Your in the right place.You'll be losing weight here with the rest of us.I started out at 250,and am 158 now.And still losing.Had to get some clothes today at the goodwill,as mine are swimming on me.So,good luck everyone.I hope Mj is better soon!I am losing weight,I am losing weight,I am losing weight,I am...
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