Old 07-02-2011, 03:02 AM
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Originally Posted by irishrose
Drum roll, please ****** the winner is charity-crafter with a 10 pound loss ***********. Please PM her for her snail mail address and send a losing quarter (nancia says we don't like the word fat).

Charity-crafter, congratulations and please post here so people can find you easily. I know there's a list, but here is easier.
Wow, thanks so much. I'm surprised I was the winner.
For June I made myself a couple rules for eating. I have a bad habit of basically mindless eating in the evenings after work. I'd sort of vegetate while watching tv, and think about all that is wrong with my life instead of actually doing something about it.

Rule 1: no eating in my tv chair.

rule 2: no eating from the box or bag, I have to pour 1 serving into a bowl. You know how easy it is to polish off a half box of cereal or 8 oz bag of nuts or dried cranberries. Hey at least my mindless eating is basically heatlhy.

rule 3: don't buy it if I'm tempted to eat the entire thing in one sitting. I can't use the excuse I'm buying it for the kids or the hubby-he doesn't eat junk food. (men are another rant about weight loss for later)

I strapped my podometer on and had a goal of 10,000 steps a day. I only actually made it about 4 days in June...but at least I was up in the 7-8k range most days.

Should I post my snail mail online or wait for private messages? It looks like there were ~60 people playing for June.
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