Old 07-02-2011, 05:31 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
Posts: 6,487

Welcome, DONK and not-sew-sane. Welcome back to returnees.

charity-crafter, the QB doesn't want addresses posted on the open forum, so you need to wait for PMs. When I PM you, you can tell me if you'd rather have a color the white. 15 yards of white on white or cream is a lot. I would hope everyone sends theirs.

Xylie, too bad you and your husband had to go through that, but how wonderful that it was treatable.

Jeanne, it sounds like you feel better. You did well to maintain weight with those headaches. When I hurt, I eat.

If you use a pedometer, be sure it registers before you feel discouraged. Apparently I don't put my feet my arthritic, screw and plate ridden feet down hard enough to make a pedometer register. I have tried several, both inexpensive and pricy. I can walk half an hour and only take 6 steps (according to the pedometer). Strange.

I only got in one walk yesterday. As I headed out for the second one, someone started lighting some kind of fireworks. That's all she wrote for Lily, though Moira couldn't care less. So we had to turn around.

Today is July 2nd. A day of healthy choices and good fun for all of us. I have a birthday party for a great granddaughter, then my son and granddaughter are spending the night. He's always good company. I'll skip their fishing trip. The mosquitoes are terrible this year.

Off to bake cookies for the party now. Sour cream sugar cookies sound good. Don't panic - I won't eat any. Celiac Disease, but I can still smell them baking and see the guests enjoy them. The air may go on today for the first time. I can't see my son not flipping that switch after I start baking.

I AM losing weight. Judy
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