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Old 07-02-2011, 06:33 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Topeka, KS
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I had to have surgery on a knee a few years ago. The doctor I saw originally was asking me questions I thought he could decide, like, "What medication can I give you?" Duh.. whatever is good in the situation and is not on my allergy list. Then he said something about I wasn't ready for surgery, I should go home and think about it more. He had already said the knee needed surgery. By the time he got finished, I was crying and was angry. He finally said, "What do you think?" I said, "I think I need a different doctor." He got up and walked out of the room. I went to a different doctor.
My brother is an RN. His statement about MDs is "They bury their mistakes."
Find a doctor that you believe cares, knows what s/he is doing and does not verbally abuse you. There are good and skillful doctors (MD, DO, DC) out there. You may use a combination of more than one doctor and/or more than one method.
You might look on the computer for a doctor in your area that uses the Feingold Technique. It is an accupressure method that can treat many different things, including allergies and pain, and other things that may be contributing to your issues.
I had chronic pain for about 10 years. I learned to treat it various ways. One thing I found out was that I was allergic to calcium, my body wasn't using all the calcium I was taking. I was treated with a method that was available before the Feingold Technique. I currently go to a chiropractor who has taken all the training for this technique. I also use supplements that have helped drastically.
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