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Old 07-02-2011, 07:30 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by amma
Can you trim away the extra fabric? It isn't fusible is it? :D:D:D
Yes, it is fusible. You can't really trim away the extra fabric (from the rectangles) once they are fused and sewn down. I mean, you could.... maybe. But it would be a lot of extra work and it kinda defeats the whole purpose of using the Quiltsmart to begin with. The interfacing stays in. It really isn't a choice. ;-)

Although, as pointed out upthread, hand quilting the star itself is really not an option. It's not that the star is a lot thicker than the plain fabric, but there is heft or stiffness to it that would NOT be fun to quilt through.

Mind you, once it's all done and quilted and bound and washed, you don't really notice it all. I've done 4 Lone Stars this way.

But the star could be machine quilted, and then the setting squares/triangles could be beautifully handquilted if that were the maker's choice.
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