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Old 07-03-2011, 01:00 PM
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QuiltE, I haven't committed to the whole quilt since I have Dear Jane to finish sashing & then put all those pieces together....if I do, it will be a while & the color scheme will not vary much. Thanks for the thread link!! It's so nice to see everyone's blocks laid out. I have the FW threads tagged but missed it somehow.

I thought so, too MegsAnn but placing darker fabrics in the mix is a pretty harsh contrast compared to the low contrast blocks. I even switched it up with royal, purple & gray with no luck. A lighter gray might work but I'm not loving it yet.

DogHouseMom You're getting fancy on me! LOL It would be a great way to use the leftover bits, though. QSTs would be awesome!!

SparkMonkey I'll have to play around with the darker fabrics to see what they look like when I have some more blocks done....the charcoal might do the trick, thanks!

quilter68 I hadn't thought of skipping the is a bit formal for the fabrics I picked. If I can't come to a decision, maybe that's for a good a reason. I'm keeping skip the sashing in mind. Thanks!

amma, thanks so much for your input. More green & aqua is on the way---maybe that will help me make my mind up.

debcavan, thank you! I love them, too. THey've been sitting on the shelf for quite a while waiting for a fun project.

pjaco I LOVE that fabric!! Too bad I only had a fat quarter and it's an older print. I'm kicking myself for not buying yards of it.

deranged_damsel Great link, so glad I took your {and quiltE's} advice to check it out! I wonder if I'm getting too obsessed with it, only having completed 10 blocks so far. I doubt white simply because I'll be sick of white fabric once I get Dear Jane out of the way...charcoal sounds good, the gray I have on hand is a little thin and lighter than charcoal...maybe that's why it's not jumping off the shelf at me yet. =)

Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment!!
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