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Old 05-07-2009, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by kwhite
ROFL Omak!! Yes, I am WAY ADD and so is my daughter. My poor husband says no one knows what his life is like living with two ADD women and two spastic dogs and now an insane kitten.

My brother and I are both ADD and my mom did have her hands full. no wonder she drank!!!! LOL
When I finally figured out how ill-prepared I was when I left home to go out on my own, I wondered why my parents ever let me leave!
And, then I realized it was for their own protection! After all, one can only try to save another from themselves for so long, and then you just have to let that knothead figure things out for herself!
I have forgiven them <g> and, marvel that I was still alive when I left home ... if I had raised me, I would have put me out of my misery! But, my parents were very determined and survival orientated ... Thank GOD!
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