Old 07-03-2011, 07:50 PM
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I just got a TL18 and am having all kinds of trouble learning how to use it! The guy came and assembled it, and then the lady came to train me, came in, rolled up the quilt completely wrong (top was on the bottom bar, bottom was on the top), said "play with it" and left. I've watched the DVD many times, but am still having some issues.

Specifically, I have a quilt (correctly) rolled onto the bars. I am trying to baste it, like they do in the DVD, where she uses the lowest SPI setting to go across the top. When I do that, the foot pushes against the quilt top, and I ended up with my quilt going at an angle along the top (and I was careful to get it parallel to the top bar when I laid it out). I had to rip out all the
stitches since it wasn't workable.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, since that's how she did it in the DVD. I did my 1st quilt (this is #2) without basting and I got all kinds of bunching on the top and sides, so I was hoping this would work to fix it.

Any help is appreciated. I've had my machine for over a month and I've barely touched it, since I've been so frustrated with not knowing how to set up quilts on it. The free motion quilting I'm not worried about, it's the set up that causes me so much trouble.

Oh, and I did ask for help on the TL Yahoo board. I just have such great luck on this board, I wanted to post here as well
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