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Old 07-04-2011, 04:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Retired
One thing I've learned is when you take pictures watch for a white orb to appear in the picture when there was nothing like it when you took the picture.
Children and pets are very open to appearances. Usually they will stare, dogs sometimes growl at something that is not visible but they are staring. Watch for staring at ceiling corners.
I love this post - so interesting and glad to know others have seen and felt this. My grandfather used to put Bengay on - the houe would reek of the stuff. Now whenever something is going on in the family some of us will smell it - others can't. the most vivid time i remember smelling it was at my mothers. I had had minor surgery and my husband and I went down to visit them. Mom was going on about how she couldn't believe I came down to see them knowing I had had sugery earlier that day. We both started smelling bengay - my husband did not. but here is the freaking thing. the dog kept looking out on the deck and just started making a strange noise. it was like she saw something. we all knew grandpa was there cuz of the bengay smell (except my husband) and the dog just verified that he was with us if we had any doubts!
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