Thread: Help, Please :)
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Old 07-04-2011, 05:54 AM
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Location: Saint Joseph, Missouri
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Thanks for the advice. I don't mind spending the same on charity and non-charity quilts. I just can't afford to pay anyone to quilt any of my quilts! LOL
Originally Posted by Rettie V.Grama
Guess I'm really the far out quilter. I, too had problems with tucks when I first started quilting on my machine. Now. I use cotton crochet thread and baste. Use a large curved needle. Start in the middle and go to one side with inch long stitches. Turn and do the same thing from the middle again. I stay on one side of the quilt until it has been basted. When that side is basted, rows about 4 inches apart, I go to the other side and use the same method..If there is a tuck, cut the basting and remove a couple inches, spread the tuck and then use a small amount of thread to hold in place.

Bind before removing basting stitching.

I have some small tucks, but nothing that doesn't disappear when washed. Yes, It's a lot of work, but if it works and you don't want to spend the money on charity quilt, it is worth it.
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