Old 07-04-2011, 08:01 AM
vintage cowgirl
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Texas Hill Country
Posts: 47

Dear Missy
Sorry you are having so much stress in your life. My daughter is also gay and I have always supported her. I don't think anyone should be alone in life and I don't understand parents that don't love their children unconditionally. My daughter partner passed away with cancer and I helped take care of her while she was sick because her family told her God was punishing her and that she was going to hell. I really wanted to tell her Mother and sisters a thing or two but respected my daughters wishes to keep my mouth shut.
Okay enough about that. You see from this group that there are lots of people who love and support you .Hold your head up high and enjoy life and be d----ed with the rest.
Love you and hope you lose weight.
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