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Old 07-04-2011, 12:31 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Location: AZ
Posts: 20

I LOVE the "new" cloth diapers. It fed my fabric addiction for the past 7 or so years, during which time, I didn't quilt. I was content with buying beautiful printed cloth diapers. I could look at like this, pay $15-$20 for a diaper or a couple of yards of fabric. At least with the diaper, they would be used (and re-used) and I could also re-sell them when done or if I no longer wanted them. Yes, there is a HUGE market for used cloth diapers. Now, that I'm not using them, for the time being, I'm back to buying fabric for my quilt stash. I found Dawn dishwashing liquid to be the best for laundering them and no bad side effects.
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