Thread: Help, Please :)
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Old 07-04-2011, 11:55 PM
fbs810's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 9

Hi, wanted to add my 2 cents also. Your darning foot with the feed dogs down puts a lot less pressure on the quilt. When you lay it out go to your church and borrow a couple of their 8 ft. tables to push together. That is a nice surface to tape on. I use the wide blue painter's tape found at Home Depot or a hardware store. I tape all three layers separately. That is as they are added to the sandwich, tape the corners and sides to be sure there are no wrinkles to start with. As for spraying adhesive, you will be washing the quilt before you gift it. That should remove the adhesive. 505 does I think. Always start quilting in the center as others have said. Then you are pushing the looseness out to the sides. Do small areas at a time and get yourself some rubber gloves from the hardware store or ones that have little rubber dots on them. They are cooler and your arms won't get so tired.

Practice some free motion on an old quilt bat or create a sandwich or two. Keep your patterns relatively small and set small goals each day. Otherwise, you get to tired and flustered when it doesn't go well. Try it; you will like it once you give it a try. Remember to use Topstitch needles usually 90/14. Hope this helps. Excuse my spelling; I am lost without spell check.
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