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Old 07-05-2011, 03:53 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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here is something else , as someone mentioned, smoke, my husband smoked a pipe, a specialty brand he liked, had cherry in it, when he passed away 14 years ago it was tramatic so sudden and all. months later I could smell that smoke!He was watching over me. Haven't smelled it in a very long time. so there you go!

heres another one, I was watching a paranormal show, and curious as I was I spoke out, to my mom, mom,If I am not to watch this, make the tv mess up. and it did! so we realy don't know, oh yeah could be coincedences and all, angels could go on with that, so there are unexplained things happening we really don't know about!

So many thing sunexplainable.

the little green men? UFO? who is to say?
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