Old 07-05-2011, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by javin22
So I was out Shopping with my Husband at JoAnn's yesterday, the 4th of July, Which just also happens to be our wedding anniversary, and I was explaining to him how much enjoyment I get from swapping blocks. I told him that we each make a certain amount of blocks all the same and then we send them and get back one block each from everyone else. So he said.... (are you ready for this?)... "So you put all the blocks together and make a pretty blanket". :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: OH MY HECK!!! How long has he been married to me and he said it on our anniversary!!!! :shock: :shock: He called a quilt a BLANKET!!!!! :evil: ....SACRILEGE!!!!! The Horror!!! How dare he degrade a piece of art like that!!!!
I let em' have it! I don't think he will be making that mistake again. ;-)
Let's see - he was shopping WITH you at JoAnn's - and then you yelled at him! ????? When he was trying to be interested in something you were doing?

I hope you didn't yell at him so much that he won't go shopping with you again. :|

Hope you had a good anniversary, in spite of his "horrible" gaffe!
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