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Old 07-05-2011, 11:15 AM
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Location: Monroeville, PA
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I too think its not my responsibly to keep someone in business. I like going to LQS but if they want to stay viable in this tough market with rising commodity prices then they need to maybe find away to broaden their demographic market.

Offer more entry level classes, allow kids and husbands to come in the store or at least not make then feel like outcast for being there. Offer sales and special rewards. Offer some cheap basic level classes to get new people interested. And maybe "gasp" find some cheaper lines to offer those that can not pay 10+ a yard. If they can not get good prices on their own then they need to reach out to other LQS and form a co-op and have buying power together

but those are just my thoughts. Like I said I like going but I cannot afford more then 5$ or so a yard for most of my quilts
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