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Old 07-05-2011, 12:06 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Yes, I can tell you some things about shingles. Big NOTE! If you are over 65, get a shingles vaccine, if you have had chicken pox but have not had shingles. I cannot stress this too strongly. Yes, the vaccine is expensive but well worth the price if you don't have to suffer from post-herpetic pain from nerve damage from shingles. You may still get the shingles, but the case is supposed to be less severe. A friend has suffered with residual pain from shingles (she's in her 40's) for 5 years and it is excruciating. She has lost 50 pounds from dealing with the pain. Nothing helps her and she has tried everything.

Most doctors will not give you a shingles vaccine if you have already had the shingles. So, before you get the shingles, get the vaccine. It is a timed dosage. The vaccine is frozen and is mixed with what I assume is a saline solution. It must be administered within 30 minutes of thawing and mixing or it is not effective. Good luck. Now, go get that shingles vaccine!
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