Old 07-05-2011, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Honchey
Originally Posted by miriam
Originally Posted by Miz Johnny
Probably isn't what you're thinking, and if it happens to be, probably of the growing wild variety. It grew wild all over where I grew up (Iowa) and here (Kentucky) as well. It used to be grown here for rope, too. If you're worried, though, you can call the police station and ask them to send someone out. Or set fire to it and get to know your neighbors in a whole new way!!
Originally Posted by miriam
Originally Posted by AbbyQuilts
Originally Posted by BoJangles
Miriam this is so funny, although, I think I'd have called the authorities just to protect myself! I have gotten poison oak so bad so many times that now I am not allergic to it. When we first bought our ranch there was a ton of poison oak - after years of clearing it away -- getting it all over my body - we have gotten rid of most of it, and I don't get it any more. I can go riding and pull it off the trail with my bare hands! I love it! That is nasty stuff!

Its funny when I read that I thought you were telling Miriam to call the police about the poison IVY lol. I am thinking they cant do anything about that. I had to re read her post several times before I got it

Not on my A game today
This is getting less and less funny - it's all over every where. AND the pictures aren't quite the same as the ones on the net - no jagged teeth on the leaves. I hate to take a cutting in to the garden store and ask if it is some kind of herb or call the cops and have them arrest me... it's in my house next door's yard too... sure is pretty and smells good.
uh we have both houses... both empty.... the other one sure smells like mold..... no telling in that neighborhood.... The plan is to live in one and turn the other into sewing studio/shop space/storage.... pretty small place.... huge yard and 3 garages - lots of tall pretty plants with not jaggy but fan shaped leaves....... 'o/ Make a nice FM pattern I bet... Can't you see that hanging on my clothes line??? I figure to see if the elderly lady next door knows about those pretty plants but she told us the house was 100 years old and we KNOW it isn't. HHHHMMMMMM she does smoke.... It has been suggested that we might look for a starving rock band and ask them if they want to trim the plants..... we would find out real fast that way I betcha. BUT I do like the idea of setting them on fire - if there wasn't a wood fence in the middle of it all I'd probably do it - make the whole neighborhood happy for a while... Oh what the heck the fence isn't so much... I figure on signs that say "please don't trample the poison ivy" and "pet the skunk at your own risk" to hold it together.
Whatever you do...do NOT burn the poison ivy...if you happen to inhale any of the smoke from it you can get poison ivy in your lungs, throat, etc. It can be deadly.
too late for that
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