Thread: Retail quilts
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:33 PM
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the very sad sad thing is they are hand sewn. People in China especially, 3rd world countries are hand sewing, doing anything that we used to pay an honest days wage for, or made by hand as a craft item.
There was this TV doc on a few yrs ago and it was shown where things were coming from. They showed this middle aged woman hand sewing shoes! for LLBean. the pcs were brought to her hut and she had to provide her own needle (25C ec) she go paid 15C (CENTS) to hand sew a docker style LEATHER shoe. She could sew up 7 pair a day - her and all the people in the village who lived in huts, no water, electric, it was sickening to see.
Another girl worked in a sweat shop in a city and when she was told what people pd for her jeans/ sweatpants she just laughed cus she couldnt get her head around the number. She got pd 20C an hr to work at a machine 14 hrs a day. They even brought her to the states, took her to a walmart and pulled her work off the rack, she didnt get it at first, the stuff was selling for 16$ a pair of pants - she broke down and sobbed. when they told a shopper who the girl was and how little she made so those pants could sell at 16$, the customer said she was sorry, but she had to think of her own, that "those people" should go on strike if they want more money.
I do most of (new undies, swim suits! -) my shopping at yardsales/goodwill now. Yes, the stuff came from overseas, but when it gets to good will the next stop is a toss between going back thru to another 3rd world country or to the rag boiler. stuff no one wants goes to the dumps.
its not the money, its the point. We have no jobs here and people are being turned into slaves overseas. These are manufacturing jobs, even nice office jobs are farmed out. I was hired to do 3rd party medical billing last job I had. Started at min wage: 7.50$ /hr, had to drive 45min each way for this, couldnt buy medical ins, not enough pay for that. The job was farmed to a call center in India. They make (now) 2.10$, no benefits, no breaks, no rules or laws for the worker. sharet
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