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Old 07-05-2011, 05:44 PM
Lady Diana
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Keller, TX
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My Mom and I both get shingles. We both had them on our forehead between our eyes..then later in life Mom had them on the side of her face in front of her ear. Most painful.

When we get the starting pain in the forehead we take
Valtrax immediately. This lessens the duration and outbreak. We both had chicken pox when we were children.
Medicare does not pay for the vacine. Her doctor said it would not keep us from getting the shingles, only lessen the symptoms. He also said, the vacine could also cause a case of the shingles.
A note,my mom had skin cancer in one of the shingles sores on her forehead and had to have surgery. The doctor said he has had several skin cancer patients who had a bout with shingles prior to discovering the skin cancer.
Best of luck with your case. We have tried everything, ice packs, ibuprofen, aspirin, aleve....aside from perscription drugs....can't think of anything over the counter. Call your doctor to see if there is any new treatment for pain.
You are in my prayers.
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