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Old 07-06-2011, 06:43 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: WI
Posts: 80

The greens that were suggested with the pattern I felt were too dark. I wanted something a little more vibrant but, not to take away from the flowers. The book I have is Garden Twist Quilts from In The Beginning Fabrics.
I made a test pattern before I could start cutting my material. I had the material for almost 2 months and I just couldn't get the rotary cutter close to it. By taking my scraps and doing the test pattern for this quilt took away the jitters.
I used this test pattern to try many of the suggestions I have received here. I did 1 layer of W&N, 2 layers of W&N, the 80/20 and a poly blend. I lost the flowers with everything except 1 layer of W&N. My trellis had just a little too much poof and kind of exploded. So Thursday I will be pinning the W&N batting, the top and a cream colored backing together. I am hoping by Friday I can start top stitching the trellis. After it is complete I will post the photos to share.
Today I am going to make 2 pillows. I am still working on ideas for the curtains. It doesn't look like I will have enough material to make the wall hanging that is in the book. I am saving all of my scraps just in case :)
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