Old 07-06-2011, 06:57 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by whatever
help please. bought a singer number says its 1912 well daughter was trying to be helpful while I was at work she oiled it had printed out instructions how to clean and oil. it showed the holes on the motor and said they were oil holes she put oil in them now if you run the machine sparks start is there a way to fix or is the motor ruined. she feels so bad about it i hope it can be fixed
thank you
Take the motor off and flip it over so that the oil can drain out of the holes. You might need to shake the snot out of it every once in a while but if you leave it upside down for a day or two it should drain out. It will however smoke like the dickens when you get the rascal back on and running again until all of the oil is out.

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