Old 07-06-2011, 02:37 PM
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i think the one word that describes what's happening to all of us is control. we want to have control of our lives. you can control what you put into your mouth or don't put into your mouth. there are so many things that happen to and around us that we can't control, but eating we can. so we control it by eating what we want or have been told not to. or in some cases, not eating because we have been told to eat. it's very complicated i know, but those of us on this thread, this journey are Gaining control of our diet and our health and our lives. and are using that control for a good result! i can get angry with my husband and go eat french fries to 'feel better' and to hurt him. how is he hurt? it's me who is getting hurt by it. so i'm taking back that control and i'm making myself choose good things to eat and to do. i have to stop being upset with me for anything and every thing i've messed up on in sixty years and let them go, too. i deserve to eat right and i deserve to feel as good as possible. i am worth the effort, and so are you. together we are stronger than alone. i am losing weight. i am gaining control.
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