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Old 07-06-2011, 03:53 PM
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I too have bulging discs and arthritis in my spine. As others have said learn what your limits are and you wont have as much pain. Having said that it is a hard lesson to learn and I thought I would do Zumba (seemed like a good idea at the time as my back had been much better) needless to say one lesson later I was hobbling around and it took 2 months for it to be back to how it was. I have just been to Bali and while there did lots of walking and I feel much better so I am walking 1/2 an hour after work each night and depending on how I go will try to add more exercise over time.I only do 15-30 mins of heavy housework or gardening at a time and then go do something else otherwise i will suffer and need to take painkillers to be able to sleep that night. I hope everyone with pain finds a way to help themselves as living in pain is not fun.
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